I completed my undergrad from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani. BITS is one of the premier engineering institutes in India. I am a dual undergrad degree holder in Computer Science and Mathematics. I never really liked theoretic Maths except for the Graph theory and Algorithms.
Even though I sucked at Maths, I remained the top-ranker in the class of Mathematics (owing to the grades I got in CS :P). Eventually, I was given the award for Best Student for my academic achievements in class. Personally, I never felt worthy of the honour since I feel there were many students in class that were much more capable than me, for instance, one of the guy went to ACM ICPC World Finals!
While in undergrad, I discovered my love for good designs and designing as a hobby. I used to code websites for a college club, Department of Visual Media (DVM). DVM was gruelling and fun at the same time. Checkout the some of the arts that I have either created or supervised during my time at DVM. I still preserve my design sense, but hasn't done serious web-dev since then (2016).
more to follow.